Sat Apr 1, 10:00 AM - Sat Apr 1, 2:00 PM
1501 S Harbor City Blvd, Melbourne, FL 32901
Community: Melbourne
Children will search for colorful eggs and try to find the one golden egg in their section. There will be Kids’ crafts, music, candy, and FUN!! (Finders of the golden eggs win a special prize.) Green Gables OPEN HOUSE for tours. This is a dual event.
Event Details
Pictures with the Easter Bunny. Use your own camera or cell phone. We will have an Easter photo background. Registration $10 per child in advance on Eventbrite or $15 at the door. Go directly to Eventbrite or to to register
.Green Gables with its Queen Anne architecture, built in 1896, has stood strong for 127 years. Come and enjoy a tour Green Gables and see why preserving this home's history further enhances our community's uniqueness for future generations. $10 per adult.
.Green Gables with its Queen Anne architecture, built in 1896, has stood strong for 127 years. Come and enjoy a tour Green Gables and see why preserving this home's history further enhances our community's uniqueness for future generations. $10 per adult.